๐Ÿ”ฅ Emergency Fixes

Important information for when the worst happens.

Help! My site broke! How can I fix it?

If you have just activated a snippet and now your entire site has crashed, leaving only a white screen or an error message, don't panic! We have a feature built just for this purpose, and it's called safe mode. While safe mode is active, all snipp...

My site looks strange and I think a snippet is to blame

Be sure to check your snippets for errors before you activate them, as a faulty snippet could bring your whole site down. If your site starts doing strange things, deactivate all your snippets and activate them one at a time. If a faulty snippet h...

I'm getting a 403 error when saving snippets

Receiving a 403: Forbidden error when attempting to save snippets through the WordPress dashboard seems to be often caused by the Apache mod_security module. If this is an error you are experiencing, the first step is to check whether you are usin...

License Activation Issues

In some cases, a license activation can fail unexpectedly without showing any errors. Typical symptoms: The license activation page refreshes without anything happening. Theย  Activate button gets โ€œstuck,โ€ and nothing happens. Here are the most co...

Troubleshooting Code Snippet Plugin Bugs - An Alternative Option

Preface If you have scoured the knowledge base, forums and support articles in the hopes of understanding and resolving problems with the code snippet plugin running correctly on your wordpress site then the following guide aims to provide an alte...